
Fees and Registration

Summer school registration fees includes for all categories, Welcome Reception, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner and the proceedings of the main tracks on a USB key.

Students : 200 euros

University Members : 250 euros

Industry Delegate : 350 euros

One day delegate: 100 euros

 Dead-line for registration : 25th August 2017

 To pay your registration go at on-line registation.

15 grants for participants (Ph. D students and students)  will be provided by the European action IC1301 COST WiPE (http://www.cost-ic1301.org/). Please contact Dr. Alex Takacs (atakacs@laas.fr) if you intend to apply for such a grant.

The participants have the opportunity to present their research work during the “CPS in Action” session. The Ph.D. students can also present a poster of their research work in the Poster Session. Awards for Ph.D posters and CPS in Action will be given at the end of the school.


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